Information collection and purpose
  1. By clicking “Submit” and proceeding to access, install or use our Services, you consent and authorises Fitxcapes Sdn. Bhd, located at B-7-10, Capital 2, Oasis Square, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Ara Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia ( “Fitxcapes”or the “Company”) and/or a service provider engaged by the Company, to collect, process and store the following personal data as provided by you and/or obtained from the public domain or third-party referees.
    which may include, but is not limited to personal data:

    • Obtained from forms (physical and/or digital and/or electronic) and supporting documents that you have or may be required to fill or submit to the Company, via the Company’s operating domains, websites etc.; and
    • Obtained from your communications with the Company, through various methods such as emails, social media, letters, telephone calls, conversations, free text input forms, multiple type questionnaires, chats, or other means between you and the Company’s personnel and/or authorised agents.
    which may include personal data (including sensitive personal data) that relates to:

    • Your identity (including your name, age, National Registration Identification Card (NRIC) number and details/ passport number and details, date of birth, citizenship, nationality)
    • Your contact details (including your telephone numbers, mobile numbers, e-mail addresses, home addresses, correspondence addresses, mailing addresses, work address, work number)
    • Your payment details (including your account details, bank details, credit card details, banking information)
    • Your health information (including gender, height, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar level, body fat %, visceral fat, skeletal muscle mass, blood sugar level, BMI, pain complaints, chief complaints (body aches & pain));
    • Other information you voluntarily to the Company;
    • Any data shared by you via Google-based signups,

    (Collectively, “Information”).

  2. To the extent that you disclose to us any Information of any individual, we shall assume that you have obtained such individual’s consent for the disclosure as well as the Processing of the same in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Notice ( “Notification”).
  3. We collect Information to enable us, where necessary –
    • To provide Services to you
    • To notify you about the Company’s events
    • To evaluate and assess the provision (and access, installation, or usage) of your product and services to the Company
    • For preparation and execution of legal documents
    • For internal administrative and management purposes
    • For record keeping, report generation and management analysis purposes
    • To comply with legislative and statutory requirements
    • To investigate complaints and suspected suspicious transactions
    • For contact and communications purposes
    • For security and access within the Company; and
    • For all other purposes in relation or incidental to the above
  4. The Information is necessary to us. If you do not provide and/or allow us to process all the Information as requested, we will not be able to keep your complete record of information, thus affecting our ability to accomplish the above stated purposes.
Disclosure of information
  1. The Information is generally kept confidential.
  2. The Company may disclose the Information to the following parties (including those within and outside Malaysia):
    • The Company’s agents, contractors, vendors and service providers (including but not limited to professional, financial and/or payment service providers) that provide services to the Company including data processing services relating to the purposes above.
    • Your agents and advisors (including but not limited to professional advisers) and any other person notified by and authorised by you.
    • The Company’s assignees or potential assignees, acquirers or potential acquirers and successors-in-title
    • Any person, who is under a duty of confidentiality and who has undertaken the responsibility to keep the Information confidential.
    • The Company’s related and associated companies and affiliates
    • Other parties, in respect of whom you have consented to the disclosure of your personal data.
  3. We may also disclose the Information (within and outside Malaysia) in good faith, (i) to comply with requirements of the government, law enforcement agency, any authorities to whom the Company is subject to or any orders of court; (ii) as is necessary or relevant in relation to any legal process; or (iii) if required or authorised by law.
Access, corrections and complaints
  1. If you would like to make any inquiries or complaints or requests to access, correct or limit our processing of the Information, please contact –
    • Address : Fitxcapes Sdn Bhd At A-8-02 Menara Prima Avenue (THE TUBE), Jalan PJU 1/37 Dataran Prima, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia.
    • Telephone No : +6017 503 9835
    • Email : [email protected]
  2. In the event of any inconsistencies between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version of this notice, the English version shall prevail.


Dengan memberikan persetujuan anda kepada kami secara bertulis, anda membenarkan FITXCAPES SDN BHD (“Syarikat”) untuk memproses data peribadi berikut sebagaimana yang diberikan oleh anda dan/atau pembekal perkhidmatan yang diupah oleh Syarikat dan/atau yang diterima dari domain awam atau pihak ketiga yang memberi rujukan kepada kami, yang mungkin termasuk, tetapi tidak terhad kepada data peribadi yang:

  • Diperoleh daripada borang-borang (fizikal dan/ atau elektronik) dan dokumen-dokumen sokongan yang anda telah atau dikehendaki untuk mengisi/ menghantar kepada Syarikat, melalui domain atau laman web Syarikat; dan
  • Diperoleh daripada komunikasi anda dengan Syarikat melalui pelbagai kaedah seperti emel-emel, media sosial dan surat-surat, panggilan-panggilan telefon dan perbualan anda dengan kakitangan Syarikat dan/atau ejen kami yang diberi kuasa.
Yang mungkin termasuk data peribadi yang berkaitan dengan:

  • Identiti anda (termasuk nama, umur dan butir-butir Kad Pengenalan / paspot)
  • Maklumat perhubungan anda (termasuk nombor telefon, alamat emel dan alamat surat-menyurat anda)
  • Maklumat kesihatan anda (termasuk jantina, tinggi badan, berat badan, tekanan darah, kadar gula darah, % lemak badan, lemak viseral, jisim otot rangka, tahap gula darah, BMI, aduan sakit, aduan sakit kelainan (sakit badan))
  • Maklumat kewangan anda (termasuk nombor akaun bank anda)
Di mana berkenaan, kami akan memproses data peribadi anda untuk tujuan-tujuan merangkumi tetapi tidak terhad kepada yang berikut:

  • Untuk menilai dan menaksir pembekalan produk dan perkhidmatan anda kepada Syarikat
  • Untuk memproses apa-apa bayaran yang berkaitan dengan produk dan/atau perkhidmatan anda
  • Untuk menyediakan dan menyempurnakan dokumen-dokumen undang-undang
  • Bagi tujuan pentadbiran dalaman termasuk pengauditan, perakaunan, cukai dan analisis data
  • Bagi tujuan penyimpanan rekod, penjanaan laporan dan analisis pengurusan
  • Untuk menyiasat sebarang aduan dan urus niaga yang mencurigakan
  • Bagi tujuan hubungan dan komunikasi
  • Untuk tujuan pentadbiran dan pengurusan am
  • Untuk keselamatan dan akses dalam Syarikat; dan
  • Untuk segala tujuan lain yang berkaitan atau bersampingan dengan yang di atas
Kami mungkin akan menzahirkan data peribadi kamu (di dalam dan di luar Malaysia) secara suci hati, (i) untuk mematuhi keperluan kerajaan, agensi penguatkuasaan undang-undang, dan mana-mana pihak berkuasa di mana Syarikat tertakluk atau apa-apa perintah mahkamah; (ii) seperti yang diperlukan atau relevan kepada apa-apa proses perundangan; atau (iii) jika diperlukan atau dikuatkuasakan oleh undang-undang.

Akses, pembetulan dan aduan

Jika anda ingin membuat sebarang pertanyaan atau aduan atau permohonan untuk mengakses, membetulkan atau mengehadkan pemprosesan data peribadi anda oleh kami, anda boleh menghubungi Pengarah Usuran Syarikat melalui talian mobil 0175039835, atau melalui emel [email protected].
Sekiranya terdapat sebarang percanggahan di antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan versi Bahasa Malaysia notis ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan diguna pakai.

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